Project supported by the Australian Research Council. Zhi-Gang Chen thanks the USQ start-up grant and strategic research grant.
Thermoelectric materials, enabling the directing conversion between heat and electricity, are one of the promising candidates for overcoming environmental pollution and the upcoming energy shortage caused by the over-consumption of fossil fuels. Bi2Te3-based alloys are the classical thermoelectric materials working near room temperature. Due to the intensive theoretical investigations and experimental demonstrations, significant progress has been achieved to enhance the thermoelectric performance of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials. In this review, we first explored the fundamentals of thermoelectric effect and derived the equations for thermoelectric properties. On this basis, we studied the effect of material parameters on thermoelectric properties. Then, we analyzed the features of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials, including the lattice defects, anisotropic behavior and the strong bipolar conduction at relatively high temperature. Then we accordingly summarized the strategies for enhancing the thermoelectric performance, including point defect engineering, texture alignment, and band gap enlargement. Moreover, we highlighted the progress in decreasing thermal conductivity using nanostructures fabricated by solution grown method, ball milling, and melt spinning. Lastly, we employed modeling analysis to uncover the principles of anisotropy behavior and the achieved enhancement in Bi2Te3, which will enlighten the enhancement of thermoelectric performance in broader materials
The rising demand for energy supply, the elimination of greenhouse gas due to carbon-based energy sources, and the enhancement in the energy consumption efficiency have sparked significant research into alternative energy sources and energy harvesting technologies. One of the promising candidates is thermoelectricity, in which heat is transferred directly into electricity.[1–3] Because of the distinct advantages of thermoelectric devices: no moving parts, long steady-state operation period, zero emission, precise temperature control and capable of function in extreme environment,[4–6] the prospect of thermoelectric applications is promising, especially for power generation and refrigeration. For the power generation mode, energy is captured from waste, environmental, or mechanical sources, and converted into an exploitable form—electricity by thermoelectric devices.[7–10] Thermoelectric materials are also able to generate power by using solar energy to create a temperature difference across thermoelectric materials.[11,12] Nuclear reactors and radioisotope thermoelectric generators can be used as spacecraft propulsion and for power supply.[13–16] For the refrigeration mode, micro thermoelectric cooling modules can be installed in the integrated circuit to tackle the heat-dissipation problem, and flexible thermoelectric materials can be equipped in the uniform of people working in the extreme environment to serve as the wearable climate control system.[17]
The wide application of thermoelectric materials requires high energy conversion efficiency and the enhancement involves the simultaneous management of several parameters. First, Seebeck coefficient (S), the generated voltage over the applied temperature, is defined. Since thermoelectric materials involve charge carrier transport and heat flow, electrical conductivity (σ) and thermal conductivity (κ) should be taken into account. To ensure a high output power, both S and σ should be as large as possible. To maintain the temperature difference across the material, a low κ is preferred. Accordingly, the dimensionless figure-of-merit, zT has been defined to quantify the thermoelectric performance at a given temperature (T), namely zT = S2σTκ.[1,18,19] The criteria of good thermoelectric materials are high power-factor (S2σ and low κ. S2σ can be enhanced by resonant state doping,[1,20,21] minority carrier blocking,[22] band convergence,[23–27] reversible phase transition,[28–30] and quantum confinement;[31,32] and κ can be reduced by nanostructuring,[33–39] hierarchical architecturing,[40–42] producing dislocations,[43–45] introducing stacking faults,[46,47] and incorporating nanoprecipitates into the matrix.[48–53]
Owing to the intensive theoretical studies and experimental demonstrations over the past decades, zT has been improved dramatically. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) plot the achieved state-of-the-art zT values for both n-type and p-type materials working over a wide temperature range. Bi2Te3, PbTe, and GeSi are the classical thermoelectric materials working near room-, mid-, and high-temperature, respectively.[5,54] Through band alignment, Na-doped PbTe1−xSex exhibited zT up to 1.8.[23] In addition, nanostructuring successfully improved zT for GeSe to over 1.[55] Moreover, SnTe, as an environmentally friendly lead-free thermoelectric candidate, exhibited zT over 1.2 through producing band convergence and introducing nanoprecipitates.[56–61] The lead-free SnSe with earth-abundant elements has attracted wide attention due to the reported record-high zT of 2.6 along the b axis of the single crystal.[28] Later on, Na-doping was employed to significantly enhance the mid-temperature zT for SnSe single crystal.[62–66]
Fig. 1. (color online) The state-of-the-art zT values for n-type (a) Bi2Te2.7Se0.3,[37] Mg2Sn0.75Ge0.25,[25] PbSe1−xBrx,[67] YbxCo4Sb12,[68] and GeSi;[69] p-type (b) Ge0.89Sb0.1In0.01,[47] Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3,[70] TePbTe0.85Se0.15,[23] Sn0.98Bi0.02Te-(HgTe)0.03,[60] FeNb0.8Ti0.2Sb,[71] AgSbTe1.85Se0.15,[46] and GeSi.[55] (c) Corresponding thermoelectric efficiency calculated using zTavg values of these summarized materials. (d) The schematic diagram of a multi-layer thermoelectric device assembled from materials working at high (HT), mid (MT), and room (RT) temperatures along the thermal gradient from the hot side to the cold side.
The efficiency (ϕTE) of a thermoelectric device as a function of zT is calculated by[72,73]
and ϕC is the Carnot efficiency, given by
In the above equations, QH is the net heat flow rate, W is the generated electric power, TC is the cold side temperature, and TH is the hot side temperature, respectively.
According to Eq. (1), the dependence of thermoelectric efficiency on average zT (zTavg) for single-leg state-of-the-art thermoelectric materials is plotted in Fig. 1(c), in which the cold side temperature is set as 300 K, and the hot side temperature is the corresponding temperature for peak zT. The efficiency of thermoelectric materials for room-temperature power generation is lower than 10%, for mid-temperature applications, the peak efficiency could be ∼25%, and for high-temperature applications, the efficiency is 22%.
To allow a maximum energy harvesting efficiency from a heat source, a thermoelectric device can be assembled by triple layers of p–n-junction arrays in a tandem mode, as shown in Fig. 1(d). The first layer is high-temperature thermoelectric materials, while the second and third layers are respectively built from mid- and low-temperature candidates as regenerative cycles. So far, Bi2Te3 families are still the most promising room-temperature thermoelectric candidates. It is necessary to dedicate significant research into this classical thermoelectric category.
In this review, we provide an overview of the development of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials, including the fundamentals on thermoelectric effects, current research progress, and new trends in Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials. Firstly, we study the fundamentals of thermoelectric effects and find that thermoelectric effects are substantially the re-distribution of electrons disturbed by temperature difference or extra potential and the attendant energy exchange between the free charge carriers and environment. Also, we derived the model of electronic transport coefficients from the Boltzmann equation (BTE). On this basis, we performed simulations of the effect of materials’ parameters on electronic transport coefficient. Secondly, we summarized the features of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials and the correspondingly developed strategies for enhancing their thermoelectric performance. Finally, we quantitatively analyzed the reported data for Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials, which is believed to provide innovative directions for developing high-performance thermoelectric candidates in broader materials.
2. Thermoelectric effect
Thermoelectric effect includes Seebeck effect and Peltier effect.[74] Seebeck effect originates from the charge current flow driven by the temperature difference. Reversibly, the charge current flow driven by extra applied voltage can generate temperature difference across the material, which is Peltier effect.[75,76] In this regards, thermoelectric effect involves how temperature difference or extra voltage disturb the distribution of free charge carriers and the attendant energy exchange.[77]
At equilibrium, the distribution of free charge carriers, for instance, electrons, follows the Fermi–Dirac function, i.e.
in which E is the energy level, u is the chemical potential, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T is temperature. Generally, u equals Fermi level (Ef).[78,79] If E ≫ u, f0 = 0, and if E ≪ u, f0 = 1. At 0 K, the transition of f0 from 0 to 1 exactly occurs at u, while at non-zero K the transition of f0 from 0 to 1 occurs over an energy window of a few kBT.[78] At a given E, f0 is determined by both T and u. Therefore, the temperature and external potential (i.e., voltage) can change f0 and consequently result in the re-distribution of charge carriers, ultimately leading to the charge current flow. In this context, we present a detailed discussion on the principle of thermoelectric effects.
Figure 2(a) shows a single-leg thermoelectric device consisting of a channel (thermoelectric material) with two contacts. Ti, ui, and are temperatures, chemical potentials, and Fermi–Dirac functions for the two contacts (i = 1 and 2 representing the left and right contacts), respectively. The competition between and , i.e., , accounts for the charge current flow through the channel. Without temperature or potential disturbances, (i.e., T1 = T2 and u1 = u2), . When T1 < T2 but u1 = u2 (namely, applying a temperature difference) the transition of f1 from 0 to 1 occurs over a wider energy window than f2 does, which means at an energy higher than the chemical potential, , otherwise . Electrons with energy higher than the chemical potential flow from the left contact to the right contact, while electrons with lower energy flow from the right contact to the left contact. Despite f0, the other factor affecting the number of electrons at a certain energy is the density of states (DOS, g(E)), which describes the possible states of electrons at the energy level of E.[80] In Fig. 2(a), the plotted g(E) corresponds to n-type semiconductors and increases with increasing energy level, indicative of more electron states at the higher energy level. Consequently, the net electron current flows from hot side to cold side, resulting in the hot side to be positive and the cold side to be negative. Thus, u1 becomes lower than u2, and the difference between u1 and u2 increases when more and more electrons accumulate on the code side. Note that negative electrode has a higher potential for electrons. Figure 2(b) describes the updated at equilibrium, and there is no net electron flow.
Fig. 2. (color online) Seebeck effect with charge current driven by the temperature difference for n-type thermoelectric materials: (a) the initial stage and (b) equilibrium. (c) Peltier effect with charge current driven by the voltage for n-type thermoelectric materials: (c) the initial stage and (d) equilibrium.
For the Peltier effect, the temperature difference is generated by charge current flow, which is driven by the external voltage. Figure 2(c) is the schematic illustrating the Peltier effect, in which an external voltage is applied to the two contacts, for example, left contact being negative and right contact being positive, i.e., u1 < u2 for electrons, leading to the electron current flows from left to right. For simplicity, the channel is regarded as an elastic resistor, in which the electrons current does not lose energy and energy exchange only occurs at the two contacts. For the right contact, the arrival electrons with a higher energy of Ee should release energy by an amount of Qrel = Ee−u2 per each electron. On the other hand, the provided electrons from the left contact should absorb energy to climb to the higher energy level of Ee and the required energy value is Qabs = Ee−u1 per each electron. Accordingly, the left contact is cooled down, resulting in T1 > T2. Therefore, varies, as shown in Fig. 2(d). Finally, there is no net electron flow at the equilibrium. Note that within the framework of elastic resistor, Qrel−Qabs = u1−u2, which is the potential difference provided by the external power; however, the practical thermoelectric materials are inelastic resistor because of the inelastic electron-electron and electron-nucleus collisions, which means electron current loses energy inside the thermoelectric materials in the form of heat, resulting in Qrel−Qabs = u1−u2, namely the input power is higher than the generated heat energy difference.
Based on above discussion, charge current flow results from the disturbance of Fermi–Dirac function, which can be motivated by the temperature difference and the external potential. Seebeck effect is the Fermi–Dirac function disturbed by the temperature difference. Working under the power generation mode, the cold side corresponds to the negative pole of n-type, while the hot side corresponds to the negative pole of p-type. Peltier effect is the energy exchange between the free electrons and the contacts when Fermi–Dirac function is disturbed by an external potential. Working under the refrigeration mode, the negative pole is cooled down for n-type, while positive pole is cooled down for p-type.
3. Equations of electronic transport coefficients from Boltzmann equation (BTE)
3.1. Definition of electronic transport coefficients
Thermoelectric effect involves charge current flow and heats current flow. Noteworthy, the heat current specifically refers to the thermal energy transported by charge current. By definition, charge current density (J), and heat current density (Q) are respectively expressed by[32]
in which, n is the carrier concentration, e is the free electron charge, and v is the carrier velocity.
On this basis, σ, S, and the electrical thermal conductivity (κe) can be defined as[80]
with ε denoting the intensity of the electrical field. Equation (6) is based on the Ohm’s law without a temperature gradient. Equations (7) and (8) are the thermoelectric generator working under an open circuit. The negative sign in Eq. (8) means that thermal energy is lost.
3.2. Steady state solution to Boltzmann equation
From Eqs. (4)–(8), the derivations of S, σ, and κe are actually to determine f(E)−f0(E) in Eqs. (4) and (5), which is the steady-state solution to the Boltzmann equation (BTE).[81,82] BTE is
in which f, as functions of time (t), wave vectors (k), and position vectors (x), is the non-equilibrium distribution function of electrons. The first term of Eq. (9) represents how the external fields (including electrical and temperature fields in thermoelectric materials) affect f.[83] The second term of Eq. (9) represents the effect of collisions (or, scattering) that prevents electrons from infinitely accelerating under external forces. The reason for Eq. (9) = 0 is that electrons do not move outside in an open circuit at any time.
in which τ is the relaxation time of electrons, and f0 is electron distribution at equilibrium as described in Eq. (3).
The first term of BTE is
Here, we want to derive the steady-state solution to the BTE, thus
In addition, based on the momentum theory, we have
in which, ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, and F is a generalized form of force. In the case of an electric field, F equals eε.[85]
Through substituting Eqs. (12) and (14) into Eq. (11), we have
with the velocity vector (v),
Thus, equation (15) becomes
Based on Eqs. (9), (10), and (18), the steady state solution to the BTE is
3.3. Derivation of electronic transport coefficients
3.4. Kane band model
In the non-parabolic band with energy dispersion described by Kane relation, the DOS can be expressed as[87]
Under the assumption of acoustic phonons dominating carrier scattering, carrier relaxation time is[88,89]
By substituting g(E) and τ(E) into the derived thermoelectric properties, we can have the single Kane band model[90]
Hall carrier concentration
Hall carrier mobility
Hall factor
Generalized Fermi integration
where η is the reduced Fermi level (for electrons, ηe = (Ef−Ec)/(kBT) with Ec denoting the conduction band edge; for holes,
with Ev denoting the valance band edge), β is reciprocal of reduced band gap (i.e., β = kBT/Eg), kB is the Boltzmann constant, ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, Nv is the band degeneracy, K is the ratio of longitudinal () and transverse () effective mass, Cl is the combination of elastic constants, is the band effective mass, is the inertial effective mass, e is free electron charge, m0 is the free electron mass, and Edef is the deformation potential, respectively. The relations of , , and density of state (DOS) effective mass () are expressed as
In some cases with notable bipolar conduction, we should consider both valance band and conduction band.[91,92]
Total Seebeck coefficient
Total electrical conductivity
Total Hall coefficient
Bipolar thermal conductivity
Total value of L
In the above equations, the components contributed by conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) are presented by the corresponding subscripts. It should be mentioned that S and RH are positive for p-type but negative for n-type in those equations.
4. Modeling studies of the parameters affecting thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3
Based on above equations, we calculated the electronic transport coefficients as a function of η for Bi2Te3. Figure 3(a) shows the calculated σ as a function of η at 300 K with the inset illustrating the variation of η in the band structure. Note that we used Eg = 0.15 eV, and set the VB maximum as 0, which means the CB minimum is at 0.15 eV in energy. Therefore, at 300 K, η = −5.8 corresponding to the CB minimum. Moreover, considering the identical band effective mass for CB and VB, the middle point of band gap region is at η = ∼ −3. As a consequence, σ for n-type (left side of −3) and p-type (right side of −3) is identical, and the total σ (blue curve) is generally superimposed with the CB component (red curve) for n-type and VB component (green curve) for p-type, respectively. Furthermore, in the whole studied η range, σ increases with enlarging |η| for either n-type or p-type. The observed characteristics of symmetry (i.e., the calculated curve as a function of η is symmetrical relative to the middle of band gap region) and superimposition (i.e., the total value is respectively superimposed with the CB/VB component for n/p-type situation) also appear in the other calculated thermoelectric properties.
Fig. 3. (color online) Calculated (a) S, (b) σ, (c) S2σ, (d) L, (e) κe, and (f) κe as a function of η at 300 K with the blue curve representing the total values, the purple curve representing the CB component, green curve representing the VB component.
Figure 3(b) shows the calculated S as a function of η at 300 K. The characteristics of symmetry and superimposition are also observed in |S|. When −5.8 > η > 0, the total S is different from each component contributed by either CB or VB, which reveals n/p-type transition, i.e., the bipolar conduction. The peak value of |S| depends on the onset of bipolar conduction, and |S| decreases with increasing |η| for either n-type or p-type. Based on the calculated S and σ, the plots of S2σ as a function of η at 300 K were obtained, as shown in Fig. 3(c). Likewise, S2σ also shows symmetrical and superimposing characteristics. Because of the bipolar conduction, the positions of total S2σ peaks are slightly different from the CB/VB components. If the η corresponding to the peak of S2σ is defined as the optimized η (ηopt), ηopt for is 0.25 and −6.05 for p-type and n-type, respectively.
Figure 3(d) shows the plots of L as a function of η at 300 K. We can observe the superimposing and symmetrical features, and L increases with increasing |η| . Based on the calculated σ and L, we calculated κe, shown in Fig. 3(e), from which κe increases with increasing |η| . Figure 3(f) shows the calculated κbi. As can be seen, κbi is prominent in the band gap region and reaches the maximum value in the middle of band gap region. Moreover, κbi decreases with increasing |η|, because large |η| makes it more difficult to activate minor carriers.
Based on above discussions, S and σ are inversely related to η, resulting in a peak for S2σ. Bipolar conduction has further limited the maximum values of S for n/p-type materials, therefore, the possible maximum values for S2σ is even smaller by considering both CB and VB. In addition to the electrical energy, the charge carriers can also transport thermal energy in the form of κe and κbi, which are anticipated to reduce the ultimate zT.
Based on the Kane band model, we can see S is only related to η and β(=kBT/Eg). Apart from η and β, nH, and μH are determined by , , and Edef. Therefore, σ, κe, and κbi are also related to these parameters. Through band engineering, we can tune these parameters to tailor the electronic transport. Here, we quantitatively predict the effects of , Edef, and Eg on the electronic transport properties. Note that from the Kane model equations, all thermoelectric properties are direct as a function of η. Here, we want to examine the variations of these thermoelectric properties with nH.
Figure 4(a) shows the determined η with nH ranging from 1018 cm−3 to 1021 cm−3 for evenly selected seven values from 0.2m0 to 2m0. With increasing nH, η monotonically increases, and with increasing , η decreases for a given nH, which results in the Ef corresponding to high nH still resides in the band gap region for large . Thus, larger would unfavorably lead to a strong bipolar conduction. Based on the determined η, figures 4(b)–4(d) show the effects of on nH-dependent S, μH, and S2σ, respectively. With increasing nH, both S and μH increase and then decrease. Moreover, we observed that the calculated variation of S and μH at low nH is different from the monotonic decreasing trends in both S and μH with increasing nH calculated by the single band model (refer to the bold green lines in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c)). The observed difference suggests that, at low nH region (band gap region), both S and μH calculated by the two bands model are lower than those from single band model, and the reason is ascribed to the bipolar conduction. Moreover, with increasing , S increases, while μH decreases, and μH is more sensitive to the variation of . As a consequence, S2σ decreases with increasing , as shown in Fig. 4(d). In addition, optimal nH () corresponding to the peak S2σ shifts to a higher value with increasing .
Fig. 4. (color online) (a) Determined η with nH ranging from 1018 cm−3 to 1021 cm−3 for evenly selected seven values from 0.2m0 to 2m0. Correspondingly calculated (b) S, (c) μH, and (d) S2σ as a function of nH for different values. The bold green lines in panels (b) and (c) are calculated using single band model with for S and μH, respectively.
Figure 5 shows the effects of Eg on thermoelectric properties. Firstly, with increasing nH from 1018 cm−3 to 1021 cm−3, the determined η for evenly selected seven Eg values from 0.1 eV to 0.5 eV is exhibited in Fig. 5(a). As can be seen, |η| tends to increases with increasing Eg for a given nH. Figure 5(b) presents the plots of S as a function of nH for different Eg values. Larger Eg produces larger S peak and shifts the peak of S to low nH, which quantitatively verifies the effectiveness of Eg on suppressing bipolar conduction. The suppressed bipolar conduction due to large Eg is also demonstrated in the variation of μH (see Fig. 5(c)). Figure 5(d) shows the variations of S2σ with Eg, from which enlarging Eg can greatly enhance peak S2σ but does not change the significantly.
Fig. 5. (color online) (a) Determined η with nH ranging from 1018 cm−3 to 1021 cm−3 for evenly selected seven Eg values from 0.1 eV to 0.5 eV. Correspondingly calculated (b) S, (c) μH, and (d) S2σ as a function of nH for different Eg values.
Lastly, we studied the impacts of Edef on electronic transport coefficients. Because Edef characterizes the strength of phonon scattering on free charge carriers,[93,94] we anticipate that Edef would not affect η and bipolar conduction. This has been confirmed by the determined η and the correspondingly calculated S, as shown in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), respectively. However, small Edef can greatly increase μH (refer to Fig. 6(c)). As a consequence, small Edef leads to high S2σ, which can be seen from Fig. 6(d). Interestingly, Edef does not change .
Fig. 6. (color online) (a) Determined η with nH ranging from 1018 cm−3 to 1021 cm−3 for evenly selected seven Edef values from 5 eV to 20 eV. Correspondingly calculated (b) S, (c) μH, and (d) S2σ as a function of nH for different Edef values. The bold green lines in panels (b) and (c) are calculated using SKB model with Edef = 8 eV for S and μH, respectively.
It is well documented that bipolar conduction is detrimental to the thermoelectric performance by generating κbi and reducing S. Here, we emphasized the significance of suppressing bipolar conduction by enlarging Eg. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) show the calculated κbi and S as a function of nH for evenly selected seven Eg values from 0.1 eV to 0.5 eV. Because bipolar conduction is more notable at high temperature, the calculation covers the results at 300 K, 400 K, and 500 K. As can be seen, at high temperature, κbi is large but S is small, and enlarging Eg can greatly reduce κbi but increases S.
Fig. 7. (color online) Calculated (a) κbi, and (b) S as a function of nH at 300 K, 400 K, and 500 K for evenly selected seven Eg values from 0.1 eV to 0.5 eV.
Based on above discussions, we can see that , Eg, and Edef can significantly affect S2σ, but only is able to change the . To determine , we calculated S2σ as functions of nH and , shown in Fig. 8(a). Based on this, the values corresponding to different are plot as a white curve in Fig. 8(b), in which the background is the contour plot of S2σ as functions of nH and . As can be seen, the variation of contour plot follows the white curve. To enhance thermoelectric performance, we want to ensure the experimental nH value close to .
Fig. 8. (color online) (a) Calculated S2σ as functions of nH and , and (b) the corresponding contour map with the white curve indicating the -dependent .
5. Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials
Bi2Te3-based materials share the same rhombohedral crystal structure of the space group (see Fig. 9(a)). This category consists of five-atom layers arranged along the c axis, known as quintuple layers. The coupling is strong between two atomic layers, but is much weaker within one quintuple layer, predominantly of the van der Waals type. Lattice parameters and band gap (Eg) of these layered materials are shown in Table 1. The electronic band structures of Bi2Te3 are shown in Fig. 9(c) with the selected high symmetry k points shown in Fig. 9(b). As can be seen, both the highest valence band and lowest conduction band have six valleys. Besides these two bands, the second conduction and valence band with energy separations of 30 meV and 20 meV, respectively.[95]
Fig. 9. (color online) (a) crystal structure, (b) first Brillouin zone, and (c) band structure. Reproduced from Ref. [96].
Table 1.
Table 1.
Table 1.
Physical properties of N2M3(N: Bi, Sb; M: Te, Se).[97,98]
Unit layer/Å
Band gap/eV
Table 1.
Physical properties of N2M3(N: Bi, Sb; M: Te, Se).[97,98]
Pnictogen (Bi and Sb) and chalcogenides (Te and Se) materials have been preferably studied for room-temperature thermoelectric applications.[70] These materials share the same rhombohedral crystal structure of the space group (see Fig. 9). This category consists of five-atom layers arranged along the c axis, known as quintuple layers. The coupling is strong between two atomic layers, but is much weaker within one quintuple layer, predominantly of the van der Waals type. Lattice parameters and band gap (Eg) of these layered materials are shown in Table 1.
Based on above discussions, Bi2Te3 families crystalize in layered structures and consist of heavy atoms, which can potentially ensure low κ. Moreover, the narrow Eg can secure a high σ, and the large band degeneracy is also beneficial to produce a high S2σ. Because of these advantages of Bi2Te3 for thermoelectric applications, great efforts have been dedicated to enhancing the thermoelectric efficiencies. Table 2 summarizes the reported thermoelectric properties for both n-type Bi2Te3 and p-type Sb2Te3 based thermoelectric materials. As can be seen, zT of 1.2 has been achieved in n-type Bi2Te3,[99–102] and zT of 1.56 has been obtained in p-type Sb2Te3.[103] The big difference between the n-type and the p-type materials is mainly due to the much lower S2σ in Bi2Te3, although the obtained lowest κ of n-type Bi2Te3 is even smaller than that of p-type Sb2Te3.
Table 2.
Table 2.
Table 2.
Thermoelectric properties of the Bi2Te3-based materials prepared by different methods.
The abbreviations used in the column of preparation method represent the following meanings: MSS = microwave solvothermal, CP = cold pressing, SG = solution grow, SPS = spark plasma sintering, HP = hot pressing, LIE = lithium ionic exfoliation, BMA = ball milling alloy, MA = melting alloy, HPS = high pressure synthesis, BS = Bridgman–Stockbarger, BM = ball milling, THM = travelling heater method, MS = melt spinning, Te-MS = Te-rich melt spinning, ZM = zone melting.
Table 2.
Thermoelectric properties of the Bi2Te3-based materials prepared by different methods.
6. The characteristics of Bi2Te3 families as thermoelectric applications
6.1. Intensive bipolar conduction at relatively high temperature
Bipolar conduction is the excitation of minor charge carriers. In n-type semiconductors (as an example), electrons are thermally excited from the valence band to the conduction band, leaving behind holes as the minor charge carriers in the valance, as illustrated by the schematic diagram of Fig. 10.[124] Since electrons and holes have opposite charges, the total S is offset if both electrons and holes are present, refer to Fig. 3(b). For semiconductors, S increases with elevating temperature, and the turn-over of S is caused by the bipolar conduction.[124,125] Because the existence of bipolar conduction is related to the band gap (Eg), the Goldsmid–Sharp relation (i.e., Eg = 2 eSmaxT with Smax and T representing the peak value of S and the corresponding temperature, respectively) was proposed to roughly estimate Eg according to the variation of S with temperature.[126] Later on, a more precise method by taking into account the different weighted carrier mobility ratios between balance band and conduction was proposed to estimate Eg based on temperature-dependent S.[127] Despite the detrimental effect on S, the minor charge carriers also contribute to κbi, which has been quantitatively studied previously as shown in Fig. 3(f) and Fig. 7(a). Although κbi is lower than κe and κl in most cases, the high-temperature zT is sensitive to κbi. Based on above discussion, we can see that the suppression of bipolar conduction can enhance the overall zT from two aspects—shifting the peak of S to high temperature and reducing κ.
Fig. 10. (color online) Schematic diagram illustrating the bipolar conduction.
As demonstrated in Table 1, Bi2Te3 families are semiconductors with narrow Eg. Consequently, bipolar conduction is prominent at relatively high temperature, which deteriorates their performance. Thereby, it is necessary to suppressing bipolar conduction, which will be discussed in Section 7.
6.2. Anti-site defects and vacancies
For Bi2Te3, the most common defects are vacancies at Te sites and anti-site defects of Bi in Te-sites.[128] The formation of vacancies is caused by the evaporation of consisting elements,[122] and the motivation of anti-site defects is the differences of electronegativity and atomic size between Te and Bi.[129] The formation of Te vacancies (assuming x-mol from 1-mol Bi2Te3) follows
On the basis of x-mol in 1-mol Bi2Te3, the generation of y-mol anti-site defects of Bi at Te site can be expressed as
In the above equations, and are Bi and Te atoms at their original sites in the lattice, Te(g) is the evaporation of Te, is the Te vacancies, and is the anti-site defect of Bi at Te site, respectively. From Eqs. (51) and (52), we can see that is positively charged, and one contributes two electrons, whereas is negatively charged, and one gives one hole. Most Bi2Te3 single crystals or ingots with coarse grains are intrinsically p-type because is the dominating defects. For fine-grained polycrystalline samples and nanostructures, the dangling bonds at grain boundaries due to Te deficiencies can also be considered as fractional , therefore more is generated, suggesting fine-grained polycrystalline samples and nanostructures are generally n-type.[122]
Likewise, in Bi2Se3, Sb2Se3, and Sb2Te3, there also exist positively charged anion vacancies of , and , as well as negatively charged anti-site defects of , , and . The formation of anion vacancies depends on the evaporation heat, and the formation of anti-site defects rely on the differences of electronegativity and covalent radius between the consisting cation and anion atoms. Table 3 lists the parameters of evaporation heat, electronegativity and ionic radius of Te, Se, Bi, and Sb. As can be seen, is more easily to happen than , and the formation of anti-site defects follows the sequence (easy to difficult) of , , , and . That is why single crystal Sb2Te3 is degenerated p-type semiconductor, Bi2Te3 is nearly intrinsic p-type, and Bi2Se3 is degenerate n-type, respectively.
Table 3.
Table 3.
Table 3.
The electronegativity and evaporation heat for Te, Se, Bi, and Sb.
The electronegativity and evaporation heat for Te, Se, Bi, and Sb.
The existence of defects can also enhance the scattering of phonons with high frequency due to the mass fluctuation and strain.[131] However, defects make it hard to tune the thermoelectric properties and lead to the irreproducibility of the obtained high thermoelectric properties.[122] For the nanostructures and ball milling samples, there are more anion vacancies due to the dangling bonds in the dense grain boundaries. Unfortunately, the number of anion vacancies cannot be well controlled.
6.3. Strong anisotropic behavior
Bi2Te3 crystal has remarkable anisotropy that originates from the layered rhombohedral structure. Specifically, the σ and κ in a–b plane (perpendicular to the c axis) are about four and two times, respectively, larger than those along the c axis in Bi2Te3.[102] The S shows the only slight difference with respect to anisotropy. So, zT in the a–b plane is approximately two times as large as that along the c axis, as shown in Table 4.[121] On the contrary, thermoelectric properties of Sb2Te3 single crystal exhibit weaker anisotropic behavior, and the zT values along the two perpendicular directions are nearly identical.
Table 4.
Table 4.
Table 4.
The anisotropic behavior of single crystals of Bi2Te3 families.
The anisotropic behavior of single crystals of Bi2Te3 families.
In most cases, we use nanostructuring or ball milling to reduce the grain size for obtaining a significantly reduced κ. However, this would simultaneously deteriorate S2σ to some extent, resulted from the random crystal orientation. Since Bi2Te3 shows stronger anisotropic behavior than Sb2Te3, while the state-of-the-art zT is only ∼ 1.2[100] for Bi2Te3-based materials, zT in polycrystalline Sb2Te3-based materials can be up to 1.56[103] because of the dramatically reduced κ and the preserved high S2σ (refer to Table 2).
7. Strategies for enhancing thermoelectric performance of Bi2Te3 families
Based on the summarized feature of Bi2Te3 families, some strategies have been developed to enhance the thermoelectric performance. In fact, these strategies are combined together to achieve a higher zT.
7.1. Suppressing bipolar conduction
As discussed in Section 4, increasing Eg is effective to suppress bipolar conduction. Forming ternary phases of Bi2Te3−xSex and BixSb2−xTe3 can tune Eg. Figure 11(a) shows the Eg for Bi2Te3−xSex with different compositions. With increasing Se content, Eg for Bi2Te3−xSex increases until x = 1, and then decreases. The reason for the variation of Eg with Se content is due to the chemical bonding environment and the electronegativity difference. As demonstrated earlier, Bi2Te3 consists of quintuple layers, in which the atoms are arranged in the order of Te(1)–Bi–Te(2)–Bi–Te(1) with two types of differently bonded Te atoms.[133] While chemical bonding between Bi–Te(2) is pure covalent, it is slightly ionic but still covalent in nature between Bi–Te(1), suggesting the bonding between Bi–Te(1) is stronger.[134] To form Bi2Te3−xSex, Se atoms firstly substitute Te at Te(2) sites. When x < 1, Se further goes to Te(1) sites randomly. Owing to Se being more electronegative than Te (refer to Table 3),[129] the chemical bonding of Bi–Se is stronger than Bi–Te(2), which enables electrons in Bi2Te3−xSex being more localized. It is understood that with increasing x from 0 to 1 in Bi2Te3−xSex, Eg increases. Thereafter, Eg tends to decrease with further increasing x < 1, because Se may weaken Bi–Te(1) bonding.
Fig. 11. (color online) Composition-dependent Eg of (a) Bi2Te3−xSex and (b) BixSb2−xTe3. Reproduced from Refs. [136] and [137].
For BixSb2−xTe3 with an electronegativity of Bi slightly less than that of Sb, it is understood that with increasing Sb content, Eg increases, as depicted in Fig. 11.
Noteworthy, it is well documented that the optimal compositions corresponding to the peak zT values are Bi2Te2.7Se0.3, and Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3, in which Eg values are not the highest.[135] To increase zT, we should simultaneously control the band structures (including Eg, , and Ef) and phonon scatterings. Among these strategies, enlarging Eg is still a critical factor in Bi2Te2.7Se0.3, and Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 to achieve higher zT than their respective binary phases.
Moreover, reducing the size of nanostructures can also increase Eg due to the quantum confinement effect.[138–140] For example, it has been confirmed that Eg of Bi2Se3 nanosheets with a thickness of 1 nm is ∼ 0.85 eV, much higher than that of 0.3 eV for the bulk counterpart.[141] Consequently, reducing the thickness of Bi2Se3 nanosheets can enhance the thermoelectric performance. Experimentally, zT of Bi2Se3 nanosheets with 1 nm was enhanced to be over 0.3.
In respect of suppressing the bipolar conduction, we can also introduce potential barriers to resist the transport of minor carriers. Considering the band alignment between Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3, potential barriers of 0.26 eV in the valence band and 0.11 eV in the conduction band of the n-type Bi2Te3/Bi2Se3 could be formed.[142] In this scenario, the transport of excited minor carriers (holes) in the valance band could be resisted.[76] Combined with the energy filtering effect on the major carriers in the conduction band, thermoelectric performance of the n-type Bi2Te3/Bi2Se3 was enhanced significantly.[108] Moreover, increasing the carrier concentration to push Ef away from the band gap region can also be effective to suppress bipolar conduction, because the bipolar effect is the strongest in the band gap region (refer to Figs. 3(b) and 3(f)). In nanostructures prepared by solution or ball milling methods, more point defects would be formed, which results in higher carrier concertation.[100] Therefore, we can observe that in these products, the peak zT generally occurs at relatively high temperature.[102,112,122,143,144]
7.2. Point defect engineering
As mentioned previously, point defects unavoidably present in Bi2Te3 families, and significantly affect the thermoelectric properties. On one hand, the anion vacancies and antisite defects serve as donors and acceptors, respectively, to determine the carrier type and carrier concentration. On the other hand, point defects, leading to the mass fluctuations and lattice strains, can enhance the scattering of high-frequency phonons to reduce κ.[131] In this regard, it is necessary to control the inherent vacancies and antisite defects by point defect engineering. The effective methods are mainly to form the ternary phases (i.e., n-type Bi2Te3−xSex and p-type BixSb2−xTe3), and doping. In this section, we focus on the effect of point defects on electronic transport. Note that the smaller evaporation energy leads to the easier formation of vacancies, and the smaller differences of electronegativity and atomic size motivate the formation of antisite defects.[145] From Table 3, the point defects strongly depend on the composition of Bi2Te3−xSex and BixSb2−xTe3. Specifically, increasing Se content in Bi2Te3−xSex increases anion vacancies but decreases antisite defects, and increasing Bi content in BixSb2−xTe3 can suppress antisite defects but does not notably affect the anion vacancies.
To clarify the effects of point defects on electronic transport, we summarized the reported data for these ternary phases. Figure 12 summarized nH, μH, σ, and S at 300 K for the representative n-type Bi2Te3−xSex single crystal,[146] single crystal doped with Ag (0.1%),[146] hot pressing plus hot deformation (BM+HP+HD) processed sample,[100] and ingot doped with I (0.08 wt%).[123] From Fig. 12(a), with increasing Se content in Bi2Te3−xSex, nH for the single crystals and the ingot gently increases, whereas nH for the samples prepared by BM+HP+HD initially decreases and then increases. The general increasing trend of nH with increasing Se content is ascribed to the increase in anion vacancies dominating over that of antisite defects. The decrease in nH for the BM+HP+HD processed samples with low Se content is caused by the antisite defects exhibiting a stronger effect on carrier concentration over vacancies. From Fig. 12(b), μH for single crystals and ingot show intensive fluctuations, while that for BM+HP+HD processed samples stabilize at a plateau, which means the effects of point defects on μH also depends on the sample preparation methods. Because of the variation of nH and μH caused by point defects, σ and S are modified, shown in Figs. 12(c) and 12(d), respectively. While σ generally increases with increasing Se content, S decreases. Based on the discussion in Section 4, large nH means high η, resulting in high σ but low S. Moreover, in the pristine Bi2Te3−xSex single crystal with lower nH (black data points), its S transfers from p-type to n-type with increasing Se content, suggesting the major carriers change from holes to electrons. This is because the Bi2Te3 single crystal is a nearly intrinsic p-type semiconductor, whereas substituting Te in the lattice of Bi2Te3 single crystal with Se atoms can increase anion vacancies contributing more electrons, which produces the transition from p-type to n-type.
Fig. 12. (color online) n-type Bi2Te3−xSex with (a) nH, (b) μH, (c) σ, and (d) S at 300 K as a function of Se content for single crystal,[146] single crystal doped with Ag (0.1%),[146] BM+HP+HD processed sample,[100] and ingot doped with I (0.08 wt%).[123]
Figure 13 presents the effect of Bi content on electronic transport properties for the typical p-type BixSb2−xTe3 single crystals[132] and BM+HP+HD processed analogs.[100] With increasing Bi content, nH increases, whereas μH generally decreases. As a consequence, σ increases, whereas S generally decreases.
Fig. 13. (color online) p-type BixSb2−xTe3 with (a) nH, (b) μH, (c) σ, and (d) S at 300 K as a function of Bi content for single crystal,[132] and BM+HP+HD processed sample.[100]
In addition, doping can also modify the point defects. S-doped Sb2Te3 can reduce the antisite defects to reduce the carrier concentration and diminish the impurity scattering on holes to enhance the carrier mobility.[115] Another case is Cu-doped Bi2Te2.7Se0.3, which can reduce the vacancies to enhance the carrier mobility.[122] We also noted that hot deformation can reduce the anion vacancies to decrease nH for the sintered polycrystalline samples. For example, nH for Bi2Te3 was reduced to only 1.5 × 1019 cm−3 by hot deformation at 733 K, compared with that of 5.9 × 1019 cm−3 in the unprocessed counterpart, and as a consequence, S increased from −116 μV⋅K−1 to −141 μV⋅K−1.[99,100]
7.3. Crystalline alignment
Compared with single crystal Bi2Te3, polycrystalline materials are promising to realize practical applications, which is due to (i) stronger mechanical strength[147] and (ii) dense grain boundaries to reduce κ.[37] Nevertheless, the strong anisotropic behavior of Bi2Te3 would worsen S2σ in polycrystalline materials. Therefore, crystalline alignment (i.e., enhancing the texture) is likely to enhance zT for polycrystalline samples.[148] Hot deformation is widely used to enhance the texture of Bi2Te3 families.[149] Figure 14 summarizes the cutting-edge thermoelectric performance of both n-type Bi2Te3−xSex and p-type BixSb2−xTe3 benefiting from the hot deformation to enhance the texture of the sintered samples. For n-type ones, σ is enhanced significantly after hot deformation, while the enhancement of S caused by hot deformation is not so significant. Overall, S2σ for the n-type Bi2Te3−xSex is elevated dramatically after hot deformation, which leads to enhanced zT. For p-type BixSb2−xTe3, hot deformation does not affect S2σ notably but can reduce κ to some extent. For this reason, zT of p-type candidates can also be enhanced. On this basis, hot deformation enhances zT for n-type Bi2Te3−xSex and p-type BixSb2−xTe3 from different aspects: enhancing S2σ and reducing κ, respectively.
Fig. 14. (color online) The effects of hot deformation on reported (a) σ, (b) S, (c) κ, (d) κl (e) S2σ, and (f) zT for n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3,[119] Bi2Te3,[102] Bi2Te2.3Se0.7,[100] and p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3,[120] Bi0.3Sb1.7Te3.[100]
7.4. Enhancing phonon scattering
Enhancing phonon scattering to reduce κ is also effective to enhance the final zT. Despite the point defect scattering and hot deformation, which can reduce κ (as discussed above), we will cover other strategies for reducing κ.
7.4.1. Nanostructuring
A variety of 1D, 2D, and 3D nanostructures of Bi2Te3 have been synthesized by the solution grow method, including nanowires,[36,150] T-shaped Bi2Te3-Te heteronanojunctions,[143] Te/Bi2Te3 nanostring-cluster hierarchical nanostructures,[151–153] hexagonal nanoplates,[106,151,154] Bi2Se3 ultrathin nanosheets,[113,114,133] Bi2Te3/Bi2Se3 multishell nanoplates,[109] and 3D nanoflowers.[108,155] In the synthesis of nanostructures, surfactants are generally used to control the morphology. However, the residuals of surfactants are detrimental to the final thermoelectric performance. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the surfactants or employ the synthesis without any surfactant.
Because of the enhanced phonon scatterings in the nanostructures, κ is reduced. Figures 15(a) and 15(b) show the temperature-dependent κ and κ−κe for Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 nanoplates,[38] Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 nanoplates,[38] Bi2Se3 ultrathin nanosheets,[114] Bi2Te3/Bi2Se3 nanoflowers,[108] and Bi2Te3 nanoplates,[35] compared with the ingot.[123] As can be seen, κ of nanostructures can be less than half of the ingot.
Fig. 15. (color online) (a) κ, and (b) κ−κe for Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 nanoplates,[38] Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 nanoplates, Bi2Se3 ultrathin nanosheets,[114] Bi2Te3/Bi2Se3 nanoflowers,[108] and Bi2Te3 nanoplates,[35] compared with the ingot.[123]
7.4.2. Ball milling
Ball milling can reduce the grain size so as to enhance the grain boundary scattering on phonons. Ball milling generally includes two methods: grounding the ingot with final product phase to obtain fine powders and forming pure phase by high-energy mechanical allying. Both techniques of ball milling have been successfully used to enhance zT for Bi2Te3 families.[156]
7.4.3. Melt spinning
Melt spinning (MS) can also significantly reduce κ. Figure 16 summarizes the thermoelectric performance of p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 prepared by MS.[103,157,158] As can be seen, MS can reduce κ by 34% compared with the corresponding ingot and lattice component (κ−κe) could be even lower.
Fig. 16. (color online) (a) κ, (b) κl, (c) S2σ, and (d) zT for Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 ingot,[160] Xie MS,[103] Zheng MS,[157] and Ivanova MS.[158]
In the case of n-type ones, MS failed to effectively reduce κ. Ivanova et al. employed MS to prepare n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 alloys, but κ was not significantly reduced, which resulted in a zT similar to its ingot.[159]
Because thermoelectric properties are correlated with each other, we must employ multi-strategies to enhance thermoelectric performance.[161] Thermoelectric properties are related to the electronic band structure, charge carrier scattering, and phonon scattering. For a specific case with enhanced zT values, it is always due to the combination of multi-strategies to achieve the compromise in these parameters so as to realize a net increase in zT.
8. Quantitatively understanding the reported thermoelectric properties
Based on above modeling studies, we will combine the results with the reported thermoelectric properties for Bi2Te3-based materials to understand the underlying reasons and provide extra hints for further enhancing their performance.
8.1. Underlying reasons for the anisotropy behavior of Bi2Te3 families
Crystallographically, the anisotropy behavior of Bi2Te3 families is caused by the layered structure. Here, we revealed the underlying fundamentals based on the reported data for single crystals. Figures 17(a) and 17(b) show the data points of S and μH versus nH for n-type Bi2Te3−xSex single crystals, respectively.[121] The curves are theoretical plots of S and μH as a function of nH calculated with the determined for S versus nH, and Edef for μH versus nH. The bold lines correspond to the fitted average values of and Edef. Likewise, figures 17(c) and 17(d) present the analysis results for p-type BixSb3−xTe3 single crystals.[132] From Figs. 17(a) and 17(c), the data points of S versus nH for both n-type and p-type generally locate near the bold lines, which suggests that the difference of along the ab plane and the c axis is small. From Figs. 17(b) and 17(d), the data points of μH versus nH along the two directions locate near different calculated bold lines. Therefore, the Edef values are significantly different along the two directions, and most importantly, such difference in Edef values is even larger in n-type cases. Figures 17(e) and 17(f) show the data points of S2σ versus nH and the corresponding theoretical curves for n-type and p-type ones, respectively. As can be seen, the S2σ along the ab plane is larger than that along the c axis, and such anisotropy is stronger for n-type materials.
Fig. 17. (color online) (a) Data points of |S| versus nH compared with the calculated nH-dependent |S| curves, and (b) data points of μH versus nH compared with the calculated nH-dependent μH curves for n-type Bi2Te3−xSex single crystals.[121] (c) Data points of S versus nH compared with the calculated nH-dependent S curves and (d) data points of μH versus nH compared with the calculated nH-dependent μH curves for p-type BixSb3−xTe3 single crystals.[132] (e) and (f) Data points of S2σ versus nH compared with the calculated nH-dependent S2σ curves for n-type Bi2Te3−xSex single crystals[121] and p-type BixSb3−xTe3 single crystals,[132] respectively.
Based on above discussion, we concluded that the significantly different Edef along ab plane and c axis is responsible for the strong anisotropic σ, and the nearly identical leads to the similar S along different directions. In n-type case, the difference of Edef along the two perpendicular directions is larger than that of p-type ones, therefore, anisotropy in n-type is even stronger.
8.2. Understanding the enhanced performance of ternary phases
As discussed above, the enhancement in thermoelectric performance for ternary phases may be caused by the enlarged Eg and point defect engineering. Here, we studied the fundamental reasons for the achieved enhancement in S2σ for the reported n-type Bi2Te3−xSex. Figure 18(a) is the reported Se content-dependent data points of nH for Bi2Te3−xSex ingots doped with I (wt 0.08%) (solid green data points),[123] Bi2Te3−xSex processed by BM+HP+HD (hollow red data points),[100] and Bi2Te3−xSex single crystals (hollow blue data points).[121] Considering the reported nH, S, and μH data, we determined η, , and Edef for all compositions using the Kane band model with CB and VB, shown in Figs. 18(b), 18(c), and 18(d), respectively. On this basis, we calculated the theoretical curves of μH and S as a function of nH for each data point with the correspondingly determined , and Edef, exhibited in Figs. 18(e) and 18(f), respectively, in which the corresponding data points were also presented. The comparison of data points with the theoretical curves suggests that our determinations for and Edef are sufficiently precise because the data points locate on the relevant curves, and the values of and Edef strongly depend on the compositions and the material fabrication methods.
Fig. 18. (color online) The Se content-dependent data points of (a) nH, (b) determined η, (c) determined , and (d) determined Edef. The nH-dependent data points of (e) μH, and (f) S compared with the theoretical curves of μH versus nH, and S versus nH calculated with the correspondingly determined Edef, and . In all figures, the solid green data points are from Bi2Te3−xSex ingots doped with I (wt 0.08%),[123] the hollow red data points are from Bi2Te3−xSex processed by BM+HP+HD,[100] and the hollow blue data points are from Bi2Te3−xSex single crystals.[121]
The combination of theoretical curves of μH versus nH and S versus nH enables to calculate the theoretical curves of S2σ versus nH, shown in Fig. 19(a), in which the corresponding data points are also plotted. According to our discussion in Section 4, mainly depends on . To examine the relations between S2σ peak and nH, figure 19(b) demonstrates the data points of determined and nH for all studied materials, compared with the previously determined curve of versus from Fig. 8(b). As can be seen, when the data points are located closer to the grey curve in Fig. 19(b), it is more likely for the data points in Fig. 19(a) to approach the peaks of corresponding theoretical curves of S2σ versus nH. However, the difference of S2σ values for different data points cannot be fully explained by the variation of , although small could lead to high S2σ. For instance, the green hexagon star with of ∼ 0.2m0 shows S2σ of ∼ 7 × 10−4 W⋅m−1⋅K−2, which is much smaller than S2σ of ∼ 6 × 10−3 W⋅m−1⋅K−2 for the green round disk with of ∼ 1.7 m0. Here, we cannot ascribe the enhanced S2σ to the decreased .
Fig. 19. (color online) (a) Data points of nH dependent S2σ compared with the theoretical curves of S2σ versus nH calculated with correspondingly determined Edef, and . (b) Determined data points of nH-dependent with the grey curve indicating the as a function of . (c) Data points of λEdef-dependent S2σ compared with the theoretical curves of S2σ versus λEdef for compositions of Bi2Te3 (labeled with 1#), Bi2Te2.4Se0.6 (labeled with 2#) and Bi2Se3 (labeled with 3#) calculated with the corresponding ηopt. (d) Determined data points of λEdef versus η. In all figures, the solid green data points are from Bi2Te3−xSex ingots doped with I (wt 0.08%),[123] the hollow red data points are from Bi2Te3−xSex processed by BM+HP+HD,[100] and the hollow blue data points are from Bi2Te3−xSex single crystals.[121]
Therefore, we should develop new concepts to understand the enhancement in S2σ. As reported in our previous study,[38] we defined the λEdef (with ), serving as the decoupling factor for S and σ, and we concluded that reducing λEdef is the key to enhance S2σ, provided that η has been sufficiently optimized. Figure 19(c) shows the data points of determined λEdef dependent S2σ, compared with the theoretical curves of S2σ versus λEdef in the range of 2 eV–6 eV. Note that theoretical curves of S2σ versus λEdef were calculated according to the optimal η (ηopt). Since ηopt is affected by the Eg,[114] for each composition with different Eg, there is a unique theoretical curve of S2σ versus λEdef. Considering the small difference of these theoretical curves for various composition, in Fig. 19(c) we only plotted the representative ones for Bi2Te3 ingot, Bi2Te2.4Se0.6 ingot, and Bi2Se3 ingot. Figure 19(d) presents the data points of λEdef against η, compared with the ηopt values, indicated by the vertical lines. As can be seen, small λEdef indeed results in large S2σ and narrowing the difference between the determined η and the corresponding ηopt in Fig. 19(d) allows the data point in Fig. 19(c) to approach the corresponding theoretical curve.
Also, we analyzed the p-type BM+HP+HD processed BixSb2−xTe3[100] and the single crystals.[132] Figures 20(a)–20(d) show the nH, determined η, , and Edef, respectively. On this basis, we calculated the curves of S and μH as a function of nH over a wide range using the determined parameters, shown in Figs. 20(e) and 20(f), respectively.
Fig. 20. (color online) (a) nH of different p-type BixSb2−xTe3. Determined (b) η, (c) , and (d) Edef. The nH-dependent data points of (e) μH, and (f) S compared with the theoretical curves of μH versus nH, and S versus nH calculated with the correspondingly determined Edef, and . In all figures, the solid purple data points correspond to BM+HP+HD processed samples,[100] and the hollowed data points correspond to single crystals.[132]
Figures 21(a) and 21(d) present the curves of S2σ as a function of nH, and the determined versus nH. We can observe that when the data point of versus nH is close to the optimal curve of versus nH in Fig. 21(b), the data point of S2σ versus nH is close to the peak of the corresponding curve of S2σ as a function of nH. But, although some data points are close to the peak of the corresponding curve of S2σ as a function of nH, the S2σ could be lower than that for data points deviate from the peak position.
Fig. 21. (color online) (a) Data points of nH-dependent S2σ compared with the theoretical curves of S2σ versus nH calculated with correspondingly determined Edef, and . (b) Determined data points of nH-dependent with the grey curve indicating the as a function of . (c) Data points of λEdef dependent S2σ compared with the theoretical curves of S2σ versus λEdef for compositions of Bi2Te3 (labeled with 1#), and Sb2Te3 (labeled with 2#) calculated with the corresponding ηopt. (d) Determined data points of λEdef versus η. In all figures, the solid purple data points correspond to BM+HP+HD processed samples,[100] and the hollowed data points correspond to single crystals.[132]
Figures 21(c) and 21(d) present the S2σ as a function of λEdef, and λEdef versus η, respectively. From which, we can fully understand the reason for enhanced S2σ.
9. Conclusion and perspectives
In this progress report, we studied the physical fundamentals of thermoelectric effects. While Seebeck effect is the distribution of electrons disturbed by temperature difference, and Peltier effect is the energy exchange between free electrons and the surroundings. We also provided a detailed mathematical process of the derivation of electronic transport coefficients from BTE. On this basis, we performed simulation studies on the effects of materials parameters, , Eg, and Edef on these transport coefficients, which provides significant insights into the dependence of thermoelectric properties on materials. We summarized the features of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric, and the correspondingly developed strategies for enhancing the thermoelectric performance. Specifically, owing to the narrow band gap, Bi2Te3 families tend to exhibit intensive bipolar conduction. To suppress bipolar conduction, enlarging band gap is required, which is normally achieved by forming ternary phases or doping. Moreover, minor charge carrier filtering can also be applied to suppress the bipolar conduction. Another feather of Bi2Te3 is the point defects, which can enhance the mid-frequency phonon scatterings and determine the carrier type as well as carrier concentration. Point defect engineering is widely employed to control the point defects. Finally, caused by the layered structures, Bi2Te3 shows anisotropic behavior in terms of the thermoelectric properties along the basal plane and the c axis, which is even stronger in the n-type ones. Therefore, we can observe the n-type S2σ is much lower than that of the p-type. Correspondingly, enhancing the texture of polycrystalline materials is anticipated to improve the thermoelectric performance. Moreover, to understand the strong anisotropic behavior and the reported enhanced thermoelectric performance, we re-analyzed the electronic transport properties of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials. The strong anisotropy is found to be caused by the different Edef along the a–b basal and c axis. We further analyzed the achieved enhancement in Bi2Te3. Based on the modeling studies, we highlight the significance of λEdef in enhancing S2σ. Reducing λEdef is the key to enhance S2σ provided that η has been optimized, which is believed to enlighten the development of high-performance thermoelectric materials.
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